7 Successful Brand Logo Redesigns and What We Can Learn from Them

7 Successful Brand Logo Redesigns and What We Can Learn from Them

by | Jul 17, 2024 | Branding | 0 comments

Logo redesigns are pivotal moments for brands, offering opportunities to refresh their identity, resonate with modern audiences, and stay relevant in a dynamic marketplace. Here are seven successful logo redesigns and the key lessons we can learn from each:

1. Google

Before: Google’s original logo featured a serif font and a more complex color palette.

Redesign: In 2015, Google unveiled a simplified and playful logo with a sans-serif font and vibrant primary colors.

Lesson Learned: Simplicity and Versatility: Google’s redesign focused on simplicity, making the logo more readable across different devices and sizes. The use of primary colors aligns with Google’s brand persona—innovative, playful, and user-friendly.

2. Apple

Before: Apple’s early logo was a complex illustration of Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree.

Redesign: In 1977, Apple introduced the iconic bitten apple logo, designed by Rob Janoff. Over the years, subtle refinements have kept the logo current while retaining its core elements.

Lesson Learned: Timelessness and Evolution: Apple’s logo evolution demonstrates the importance of creating a timeless design that can evolve with the brand. The bitten apple has become synonymous with Apple’s innovation and design excellence.

3. Nike

Before: Nike’s original logo, introduced in 1971, featured a more intricate design with the “Swoosh” and the wordmark.

Redesign: Over time, Nike has refined its logo to focus on the iconic Swoosh alone, reinforcing simplicity and brand recognition.

Lesson Learned: Iconic Symbolism: Nike’s Swoosh logo is a testament to the power of a simple yet powerful symbol. Reducing the logo to its essence—without the need for the brand name—enhances recognition and allows for versatile application in marketing and products.

4. Starbucks

Before: Starbucks’ original logo included a more detailed illustration of a mermaid or siren.

Redesign: In 2011, Starbucks updated its logo to a simplified version, focusing on the iconic green Siren.

Lesson Learned: Adaptability and Modernization: Starbucks’ redesign highlights the importance of adapting to modern design trends while preserving brand heritage. Simplifying the logo made it more versatile across digital platforms and various branding materials.

5. Mastercard

Before: Mastercard’s original logo featured overlapping circles with the brand name inside.

Redesign: In 2019, Mastercard refreshed its logo by simplifying the design, removing the brand name, and focusing solely on the iconic circles.

Lesson Learned: Streamlined and Universal: Mastercard’s logo redesign emphasizes simplicity and universal recognition. By removing the brand name, the logo became more visually appealing and easier to apply across global markets.

6. Instagram

Before: Instagram’s original logo was a retro camera icon.

Redesign: In 2016, Instagram introduced a more minimalist logo featuring a simplified camera icon and a gradient background.

Lesson Learned: Modernization and Digital Adaptation: Instagram’s redesign reflects the shift towards a more modern and digital-friendly design. The minimalist approach enhances brand recognition in app icons and digital environments, aligning with user expectations for sleek and intuitive design.

7. McDonald’s

Before: McDonald’s original logo featured a more elaborate design with a chef character and the brand name.

Redesign: Over time, McDonald’s simplified its logo to focus on the iconic Golden Arches alone, making subtle adjustments to the typography and colors.

Lesson Learned: Iconic Symbol and Brand Legacy: McDonald’s logo evolution demonstrates the power of an iconic symbol in brand recognition. Simplifying the logo while retaining core elements reinforces brand identity and legacy in a competitive market.


Successful logo redesigns underscore the importance of simplicity, versatility, timeless design, adaptability to modern trends, and preserving brand heritage. By studying these examples, brands can learn valuable lessons on how to effectively refresh their visual identity while maintaining resonance with audiences and enhancing brand perception in an ever-evolving marketplace. Each redesign reflects strategic decisions to stay relevant, connect with consumers, and reinforce brand values, illustrating the transformative impact of a well-executed logo redesign on brand equity and recognition.